All of a sudden, we've been transported into one of those Extreme Home Makeover shows, except in our version, we started with a hole in the ground instead of a **ithole of a house. (see what I did there??!!). We are expecting the movers to show up in 37 days, and there sure seems like a lot left to do.
There is a lot that has been done, you'd know this if you have been following along, and there is a lot that has happened since my last post.
We've seen several different photos from this same vantage point, and you can see that the siding is now finished. If you zoom in a little, you'll see the vinyl "shakes" we chose for the big peak on the south side (to the right in this pic) and the smaller peaks above the porch roof and front door. These are the same color as the rest of the siding, but I think it gives it a little texture and a lot extra "cool".
We'll add shutters to the front of the house, probably a darker grey-green, but we have not settled on a color. The window above the front door looks a little lost in that big expanse, and I think the shutters will give it a little more balance.
Guest bedroom colors |
The inside is also brightened up significantly. The taping is done and the painters are nearly finished their phase one. That basically means finish ceiling colors on all the rooms and the first coat of finish on all the walls. They'll return later to second coat the walls and finish all the trim, doors and stairs.
We, and when I say we in relation to any color choices on this project, I really mean my better half. Have I mentioned I am color ignorant? I can tell one color from another, but I really could not tell you what goes well with what. I have other strengths. I plan to identify them some day...
Anyway, we do not have strong feelings about the colors of some of the rooms, so we have chosen a neutral cream color that we'll likely change after we've lived with it for a while. Here is a shot of the cavernous room above the garage. As you can see, it's pretty basic right now.
Master bedroom color |
We do have some ideas about the master bedroom and bath. The bedroom color is one that we used in our last place, that we really liked. Here's a shot of the master bedroom. It's a little hard to see, but it's sort of a light grey, very soothing.
The painters should be finished in one or two more days and then the flooring installers should arrive. When I stopped by today, the hardwood for the downstairs had been delivered.
Now we get to revisit some of the choices we made months ago. Initially we thought we would choose a site-finished maple flooring to eliminate the micro-bevel that is standard with pre-finished flooring. When we met with Kyle, our flooring vendor, he talked us into the pre-finished instead. With the multiple layers of finish applied at the factory, pre-finished is much more durable than site finished flooring. It's also twice as fast to install. Now that time is so precious, I'm glad we made that call.
Hardwood is here |
Here is a sample of the floor that will cover all of the downstairs, with the exception of the mudroom, which will be tiled. More on that next time.
So the next few weeks should be fast and furious. We'll see the hardwood and tile flooring, tile shower and tub surrounds, kitchen cabinets and countertops, finish wiring and plumbing, trim, finish stair components and closet fixtures all come together magically.
At least that's how it happens on TV!!
Until next time.