The Adirondacks from our deck |
Kitchen |
Well we did it!! After seven months, we are firmly planted in our new home. Sure, there's lots left to do, as you can see in some of these photos, but we're here, it's starting to feel like home and even with the blemishes, we love it.
Here are several shots. It's a beautiful sunny day, the windmill next door is not moving, which is very unusual, and it feels like it will be warm enough for a bike ride later.
Kitchen |
There may be a follow-up post when we see a few electric bills or when the landscaping is done and the outside is looking better, but more likely, this will be the end of the road for this blog. The process has been very educational, sometimes incredibly frustrating, but never dull. I'm not sure I would do it again, but now that we are living in a brand new, energy efficient home, there's little reason to think we will ever need to.
So long, thanks for reading...
Dining area |
Living area looking southwest |
Cool light fixture in stairs |
Cool light fixture's little brother in front hall |
Main hall. Pantry and closet on the left, 1/2 bath on the right |
South guest bedroom
Master bath
Awesome shower |